Monday, September 05, 2005

From Days of Yore

I was clearing out the folder in My Documents labelled Misc.

And I found this blog post that I wrote on Word. I suspect blogger must have been down at that point. The post I suspect was written circa May 2004 and judging from the events and posts of that time, I can narrow it down to somewhere between May 5th 2004 and May 19th 2004. And judging from the lucidity, I think I was really ill at that point.

Some of it is still largely relevant. Some of it isn't. But I figured, since I wrote it, I might as well post it.


It's supposed to be cooler in the house because well, you're not directly under the sun. But the heat we're experiencing today, there's no where to hide unless we're willing to up the airconditioning bill again.

That which I am not too keen on doing seeing that I've been to the doctor twice in 5 days and have spent close to $80 on medication that my brother thinks could have been replaced by honey and lemon. Strange how locally trained doctors differ from foreign trained ones.

Flu in Singapore- pile on the antibiotics

Flu in Melbourne- Lemsip (available at any supermarket)

Urinary Tract Infection in Singapore- pile on the antibiotics

UTI in Melbourne- a crate of Cranberry juice

Sore Throat or Throat Infection in Singapore- More antibiotics

Same affliction in Melbourne- Hot lemon and honey minus the tea

Rash from antibiotics in Singapore- More antibiotics, enough to kill a cow.

Rash from antibiotics in Melbourne- Eat yoghurt, balance the bacteria levels in your body again.

I sense a pattern here.

The difference was Australian doctors did not sell you the drugs. You got them from a chemist. All they did was prescribe so they don't profit at all from pushing one drug over another for a cut of the commission. I suspect that was why my cuckoo doctor actually insisted on prescribing me with folic acid. He gets a cut from the Pfizer type pharmaaceutical giant in Singapore. Heh.

On other news, a while back, I wrote about some lizards whose lives' ambitions were to scare the beejeezus out of me. And since my last entry, they've been laying low. Until today. Today! The day of all days when I had absolutely no ability to scream, they choose to appear, in the cupboard where we keep all the condiments and spices. It's akin to the episode in Buffy the Vampire Slayer where the Gentlemen steal all the town's voices so that no one can scream when they rip hearts out-also known as the creepiest episode in Buffy- Hush. Same thing. Wait till I can't scream to terrorise me. Bah!

Something I found very bizarre today while aimlessly surfing. Singapore Brides is a local portal with a huge forum page. Normally, I don't visit such sites because I hate the way they butcher the English language and make serious of flippant issues. Anyway, since I found out that my best friend might be pregnant, I've been looking around- these are the best places to get information about anything and no surprise, I manage to track down comments on the shortlisted list of doctors with helpful attached comments. Whilst doing this, I discovered a thread entitled "abortion, anyone?"

This was puzzling seeing that it was a Brides Forum page. To my surprise, it was started by a 17 year old who wanted to know where to get an abortion done. To my greater surprise, there were many suggestions, including one that went along the lines of "the clinic is near an MRT station, beside a seafood restaurant and has a swing outside of it". That sounded one step above the backstreet butchers I read about in novels about 1950's America. All we needed was a Chinatown and a greasy guy in a blood stained white coat. I digress. It amazed me because it REALLY was a place that people could get information from and at the end of it, I think this girl was spoilt for choice.

What was a little bit more of a put off for me was how some inquisitive little snoop was going round asking people how many abortions they had had and how they had managed to glean such precise and detailed information about clinics that performed them. This little weasel, despite being chastised by the moderator continued to harrass those who were posting. Some posts went along the lines of "here's some help for you. Good luck... please be careful..." and others shared their own experiences- all this anonymous and perhaps cathartic interaction and sharing marred by one squirreling rug rat.

I know the web is a public domain and it's a free for all- the First Amendment supporter's wet dream. But to delve and to barrack at others, clearly that's a violation of the same freedom as well. Your right infringing on someone else's? For your own pleasure? Nope, I don't think so. I feel personally about this because of the mutiple trollers I seem to attract and I tell my students the same thing when they comment on blogs.

Argue and disagree with the content, that's fine. It's not fine when you make it personal. It's not fine when you attack the person just because the view pisses you off. But some seem to not understand such fundamental etiquette. That's unfortunate I'm afraid and perhaps, that uncontrollable urge to make personal attacks or accusations at a person is why some politicians in our region are extremely well off.

*Postscript - 5 September 2005- The lizard situation hasn't improved in the last year and a third. I had to move my rubberbands because every morning, I'd walk into the kitchen to see the kitchen counter strewn with rubberbands even though the night before, they were neatly hanging off the cupboard knob. There is also STILL a lizard living in the spice and condiment cupboard and I think it's the resident lizard. It's black and fat!

Ondine tossed this thought in at 23:03

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 5:28 pm Blogger ruz~* said...

eyuew! lizards! i hate lizards! eyuew! and they even play with your rubberbands?? eyyuueeeww!


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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"