Sunday, August 28, 2005

Desperately Seeking Susan

I want to blog. I've tried so many times this week but always ending up saving them as a drafts that will never see light of day. Why? Grading papers. Tomorrow is my absolute deadline and all week, actually for the last few weeks, I've done nothing but grade papers.

And cleverly, I've lost my answer scheme to the papers I'm grading so I'm doing it blind now. KW quipped that it wouldn't alter the marks of the kids that much and it's true. But I'm headed directly and headlong into a burnout.

I need time. Time to hang out and baby my poor sick husband. Time to blog and regain some sanity- too many thoughts (sorry YM! It just seemed apt right now!) crowding my head. I need 2 things. A time-turner and a Pensieve. Otherwise how???

It feels like the A's all over again for me. A lot of work, very little of anything else, early morning work hours, thereafter wanting to collapse into heap in the shower before driving to school. At least when I took my A's, Dad drove to school and I had time to stone before the day started.

In the words of Packrat, buggrit all.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 16:59

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"