Monday, August 01, 2005


Every year, the students have to do an NKF charity thing and they're given donation cards to raise money. I remembered this morning that the cards were due for collection this week so I dutifully sms-ed my class rep before it fell right out of my head as things perchance do these days.

Me: Please remind the class to bring their NKF cards this week for submission. (All teacher-ly and all)
Class Rep: Oh.....!!!! After Durai incident...I tear it Oh no....!!! (punctuation and grammar all his)
Me: LOL! Brilliant act of protest! Ok, I'll find out what needs to be done. Maybe must make police report (Totally un-teacher!)
Class Rep:- silence-

I suspect he's reeling at the fact that he will have to return the card in shreds.

I'm very amused though. I went through with that class last week an article about how Singaporeans use the web, forums, blogs as a form of protest because we have so little in our protest arsenal. And here he was, to show that he could actively and physically protest, tore up his donation card as if it was 1960's America and he just got drafted to Nam.

I will have to make him understand though that his act of protest must not affect those in need and those innocent. But for now, I shall sit back and revel that not all my kids are apathetic. Young, idealistic, brash and impulsive yes, but his heart seems in the right place and that's so much better than these other idiots I caught chasing a cat in school last week who an Evil eye and snarky comment later were sent whimpering off with their tails between the legs.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 12:23

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"