Thursday, July 28, 2005


What's your greatest nightmare?

Last night Dan and I sat down and watched the season finale of CSI (the original one, none of that New York, Miami rubbish) with grave (pun intended) reservations. One of the CSI gets buried alive and you see him struggle.

Dan said that it was his greatest nightmare, to be trapped like that. And so watching it was remarkably stressful. For me too, since I have in recent years discovered this fear I have of being in tight enclosed places. I didn't realise it until while playing around, Dan tossed our comforter over me and cocooned me in it and when I couldn't find my way out, I threw a major wig out, of Giant Spider proportions.

But that isn't my greatest nightmare, to be trapped, although I'm sure it would rank quite high. I used to have recurring nightmares when I was young. One did involve a Giant Black Spider that would hijack me along this flight of steps down to the ground level of my house. But the one I remember most fervently and the most panic causing was one where I would be wrestling my brother (I used to get teased mercilessly by them and I think all that trying to plot some sort of get back at them resulted in my conscience kicking in while sleeping). Anyway, a wrestle,fight, scratch, kick later, I would realise that I had gouged out his eyeball by accident. Yes, plenty gory, considering I was about 5 or 6 when I had these dreams. Great panic would ensue in the dream, followed by me running to get my colour pencils.

Yes, my solution to having ferociously gouged out my brother's eyeball was to rush for my box of colour pencils, select the black pencil, climb onto this bicycle we had and colour the black into his eye so that he could see again and so that I wouldn't get into trouble. It was a nightmare with great macabre and till this day, I remember it vividly.

See, I started young. Those bizarre dreams that I have had were already gaining much dream time even at that point.

So what nightmares do you remember?

Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:01

5 thoughts...

5 thoughts...

At 11:24 am Blogger Yuhui said...

The only nightmares I remember are the falling down types. The Sandman hasn't sent any beasts/creepy crawlies my way (yet?).

At 4:05 pm Blogger louist said...

here's one i wrote about a pretty long time ago...

(don't laugh at the page, i was just a kid then!)

At 2:29 am Blogger nausheen said...

I had this nightmare when I was 6 or 7. The details are a bit fuzzy but it was basically shot after shot of freaky bizarre things. The one scene that's been burned into my memory is of this old freaky as hell lady, whom i knew to be my mother, standing in front of a board that was cloaked. She smiled at me and then drew the curtains back.

What I saw was terrifying. It was a board that was covered in holes and they seemed to be moving. It looked like decomposing writhing worms.

What got me was that smile. That evil smile, from my own mother.

At 6:10 pm Blogger Threez said...

Till 2 weeks ago, recurrent dreams that my daughter is
a) falling out a window
b) disappearing in a bomb blast
c) fatally wounded in some way or other

The grief would be so acute it's like someone's taken my super-sharp filet knife, stuck it into my chest till it hits bone, and keeps twisting it.

They've stopped since I got prayed over. Praise God.

At 10:43 am Blogger Tym said...

I hate the falling down nightmares. I always wake up with my heart pounding like it's about to leap out of my body. The worst thing about that dream is its stark simplicity: no family members, no monsters, just a simple fall all the way down-down-down-down ... *shiver*

In JC, one of my friends dreamed she shot herself in the head. Yikes!!


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