Monday, July 11, 2005

Killing Pain

I sprained my left ankle last year during the marathon. Last night while walking Molly down the stairs, she yanked to go and I ended up missing two steps and landing with a loud "crunch" on my right foot. So, my right foot now is sprained.

And I just realised how big my college is. It takes about forever to get anywhere and climbing up and down to the fifth floor cannot be good for my foot. So, now I'm exhausted and feeling ill from all the effort.

Need to go home, but I can't.

Want to stay home tomorrow but I can't tomorrow, neither can I, Wednesday and Thursday.

The obligations of being a teacher. Far too much right now.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 13:43

2 thoughts...

2 thoughts...

At 11:12 pm Blogger Sheepish said...

Oooo... can't be anything pleasant. Do get it looked at. Dun want to be picked off by the ravenous student packs now, would you.

At 2:08 am Blogger ming said...

oooouch. sorry to hear. would chocolate help? TYM got plenty now. can even rub some on the ankle. okok. don't mean to rub salt on the wound. just want to help you lighten up. better see a doc and try to walk lesser if possible. here's something to cheer you up. you got the most view on my flickr!


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