Thursday, July 07, 2005

Just one of those days

I wanted to blog about something just now. On the way home, in the car, I was crafting it in my head. Then exhaustion hit me at a traffic light and the next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes and with that, the seedling of a blog flew out the window.

So then, I was tired and I was blog post-less.

It isn't really because there isn't anything in my head. Although, admittedly, sometimes, there really isn't. It's been the case of too much marking for any extra brain activity. It's a survival instinct. When there's too much going on, find time to idle. So idle I do, while standing and waiting for the dog to poop. Actually, I was reading today's ST Urban supplement, but really, an entire supplement on how to dress the dog???? I'd rather go shopping with the money. And the headline?? Yuppies prefer having dogs to having kids. Oh, so much the alarm bells for the parentals who will call up panicking that we are said yuppies.

Imagined conversation.

Parentals: So, your dog. How long is it staying for?
Us: For as long as we want.
Parentals: But she will shed and leave hair and saliva all over the house.
Us: Yup, that's why we clean the house.
Parentals (not quite daring to broach the subject and a poor attempt at skirting it): But it's not really good for children. Daniel had asthma.
Us: But Daniel's ok with her and we have no children.
Parentals: But what if you do?
Us: But we don't...

And it could go on and on and on, like the Duracell bunny or is it the Ariston heater that goes on and on and on. .

Heh. It turns out the brain isn't so idle after all.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 23:02

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 2:17 pm Blogger Threez said...

You think if I start drawing a comic strip of your foetus-obsessed PILs I could get garner fandom in blogosphere? Need me a scanner ...


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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"