Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Food Cycle

Today someone proposed the theory that Man was created to be a fruitarian- which meant we were only supposed to eat fruit. His logic? That we didn't have teeth like tigers, lions and all other carnivores.

My response was that it didn't prove anything more than the fact that we weren't meant to rip raw flesh of bone of prey struggling to get loose. On top of that, I believe in Christian lore that God created the heavens and the earth as well as animals and plants for us to live off.

Dan's response was more to the point. Then why does meat taste so good?

A student's response to that theory was that we needed protein.

Logical enough, except the retort to that was then How did cows get protein? It wasn't like they ate human steaks.

Of course, that made me immediately think of Madagascar where the Alex the Lion should have eaten all the lemurs that lived on the island. But the bigger question still lingered.

Just how do cows get protein? Do they accidentally inhale gormless earthworms when they graze? Milk shakes?

Just how do they do it?

Ondine tossed this thought in at 22:19

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 11:01 am Blogger Joel said...

Interesting qns. Found the answer here.
Turns out the protein is built by microbes in one of the 4 stomachs of the cow.


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