Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Love Actually

I was reluctant to watch Sin City on Saturday as anyone who has read Dan's account would be able to surmise. I'm a big chicken at heart. I get that from my mother and my brother's like me, although he tends to act tough a bit more than I do. I just plain shudder, whimper, hide under my sweater, cover my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears...whatever works. So, I didn't want to watch Sin City because I knew I wasn't going to enjoy the very graphic (although artistically done) violence.

But I went anyway because my brother convinced me that Dan would want me to go and Dan himself said it would be nice if I were there, even if I were to fall asleep as I have a penchant of doing, especially at late shows. Thing is, I didn't fall asleep. I was wide awake the whole time from stress.

So much of it. It wasn't jump in your face, "BOO!" scary, it was just so much of it, a visual assault if you would. So much so that I couldn't even eat the pop corn I had. As a rule, I love sweet pop corn, and I was quite happily munching away as the movie started. But once, the annoyance subsided and the movie started proper and the first person died, there was an involuntary reaction from my arm of which Dan's arm was a hapless victim of- My watch makes a deadly weapon- and the rest of the pop corn was cast aside and my appetite for it vanished. Poof!

I appreciate the artistic, graphic value the movie has. But it ends there. I did not enjoy it, I was traumatised by it to the point that I had nightmares that night and Dan was most contrite. MDA should really come up with another set of ratings, not as a means of censorship but to warn people like me- "Chickens Beware" could be an alternative rating. We're stuck with having ratings, might as well make it funny.

You could have
1. Chickens Beware- Extreme Violence ahead
2. SNAG Alert
3. Massive Amounts of Blood and Guts


So, friends have asked what in the world possessed me to actually see the movie. I say, it wasn't voluntary, it wasn't a "wifely" duty so I guess, corny as it may sound, it was Love Actually.

I get two chick flicks in exchange though I don't see how that makes up for the psychological and emotional damage done to me by the most harrowing movie I've seen in my life.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 13:46

2 thoughts...

2 thoughts...

At 11:55 pm Blogger Threez said...

Actually, I believe MDA has one rating that is not used enough: ANRVW (Absolutely No Redeeming Value Whatsoever). In this category lies Beavis & Butthead, the last I heard.

At 5:08 pm Blogger tscd said...

You're not the only one. I felt really sick whilst watching Sin City. I appreciate that Rodriguez is a genius. But I wouldn't watch it again or buy it on DVD.


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