Saturday, November 12, 2005

Elusive Cranberries

My favourite juice in the world is cranberry juice. I am also quite partial to margaritas. And for the last week, I've had quite a hankering for cranberry margaritas. And last night seemed the perfect night for it.

Unfortunately, cranberry margaritas are almost as elusive as snow in Singapore. We were directed to Cafe Iguana to try our luck. They had raspberry, lime, mango, peach but no cranberry. Just like our neighbourhood pub. No cranberry margarita. The last time I was at Wala Wala, I tried to make my own. Order the juice and the drink separately, place the side by side and drink up two straws at the same time. Messy and not so fun.

Anyhow, we settled for a jug of raspberry margarita and it was a nice enough night to people watch. Conversation was kept light and ditzy in an attempt to keep my head from blowing. It was good and I kept getting quesadillas and espardrilles mixed up, showing a rather wonky connection in my head.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 16:48

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