Monday, November 07, 2005

Making the Switch

The impossible happened in my house today. The television was switched on to Channel 8 this evening. Through last week, we caught shots of a new series that was going to be aired called The Rainbow Connection. It was supposed to be a little bit like Center Stage with aspiring dancers dreaming of dancing on the world's stage. Everytime I watched Center Stage, I've wanted to start dancing again and I always end up wondering why I gave it all up in the first place.

So, when I saw the ad for the Rainbow Connection, I thought, perhaps it would have at least one-tenth of Center Stage's drawing power. Never mind it would be on Channel 8. Never mind that it would be in Chinese. Never mind it would be the first Chinese serial I've watched since the copycat volleyball one that the defunct SBC made when I was in high school.

But it was not to be. Because it was SO bad I couldn't sit through it. Meaningless subplots, very little dancing and mindless conversations in chipmunk speak. Some more, there were dancers who looked like they were going for tai-bo class, in psychedelic workout, baggy workout clothes. One of my ballet teachers sent me out of class once because I had blue and pink nail polish. She claimed watching my fingers work made her dizzy. There was also a ballet studio with no mirrors, but big big big wall to wall posters of a dancers in mid air. Dancers are primarily narcissitic because they spend all their time looking at themselves in the mirror. How will a dancer develop an essential part of her personality sans mirrors?And, truthfully, what dance teacher would show your body flexibility (taken off the subtitles) with shoulder jives and dips?

Fail already. So, my dreams of being a more bilingual person were thwarted by the melo-drama that is Channel 8 television. Well, the failure of local English drama did have to come from somewhere and Channel 8 must be a very proud parent.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 23:25

7 thoughts...

7 thoughts...

At 3:36 pm Blogger juz_A_ga| said...

haha! I don't want to spoil my image of 'dance'. not gonna watch it. sad to say, their tv shows.. really cannot make it..........

At 3:51 pm Blogger Jasper Chen said...

Hey man, that show is only meant for girls and guys to ogle at the people in the show, which was pretty much a failed attempt.

The show isn't meant to have any storyline I believe.

Mediacorp think the show is for the youth. Sorry, it does not appeal to us, well, to me at least. It's really for no one and was meant to fill the space between 9-10pm.

At 9:31 pm Blogger tussand said...

Came across this from Tomorrow. And I love your last line, very witty and pointed lol... :)

At 8:17 pm Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

The mirrors were probably a bitch to work with for the camera people who had to watch out for their own reflection in 'em.

At 8:26 pm Blogger Ondine said...

Well, possibly. But Center Stage and The Company had brilliant studio scenes. I think, at the end of the day, it just reveals the true ability of film/television making industry.

At 5:07 pm Blogger Janelle said...

i watched 2 minutes of the show for the first and last time yesterday.. and i totally agree with your entry! can't believe i actually cringe at a dance show.

At 7:56 am Blogger ryanstarr said...

in actuality.. i'm watching the show because i'm waiting to watch jeanette aw dancing.. she's a good dancer. i've watched her performed with nus dance ensemble when she was still and undergrad and every year she'll attend the next wave..

so yeah.. the story is soo stupid.. i'm just waiting to watch jeanette dance.


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