Monday, October 31, 2005


The long days haven't really ended yet. Only difference is that it isn't so much for work anymore. Today was an extremely long day because it was my cousin's wedding and it was a huge Peranakan do. My cousin and her new husband had to don the ceremonial Peranakn wedding garb. This included a headpiece made of gold and weighing so much that my cousin constantly looked like she had to duck down. Thw costume doesn't inspire any sort of intimacy at all. You can't hold hands and hug one another in that garb. There's too much in the way. This picture, that I pulled off the web shows you how close you can stand to one another without tripping over one another. Not very romantic, but very very cool.

So because it was a Perankan wedding, we all had to dress up. The guys had on Chinese frog button shirts of various colours. Only problem is they kept getting mistaken for waiters. Dan said if anyone asked him for a drink, he'd go get the guy a drink and then tell him, "first one's free, second one, you have got to ask a waiter, dude". I wish he did.

The women, right down to my four year old niece had sarong kebayas on. My mother bought me one with sleeves too short, so I had to take my organza wedding one out of storage and pray very hard that I could still fit into it. Thankfully, I could. And my hairdresser was kind enough to pop in to give me a nice wind-swept look that was held up by half a can of hairspray and ten thousand pins! (It took me a good half hour and four conditioner washes to get all the gunk off!)


I also now have a half wig on my table and every time we walk past it, we inadvertently ask ourselves "Who did we scalp last night? " All in the spirit of Halloween. :)

Ondine tossed this thought in at 00:43

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