Monday, April 04, 2005

Admin Hell

I've been put in charge of this new programme my college is doing for the kids.

So I've had to divide kids according to ability and slot them in with a tutor who hasn't formerly taught them and I've also had to sort them according to alphabetical order and then in order of classes according to the days that they will be in this programme thereafter generating yet another list to inform the current tutors who of their class are going to be slotted into which new classes and creating attendance lists for the tutors in charge of the new programme so that they can keep track of who actually shows up.

If you have a headache, multiply that by ten and that's about where I am right now. It's fun in a mindless sort of way but far too repetitive to be good for my brain cells. I should start marking now, but my brain's shut down from the hell it's just been through.

But happy because I'm listening to Sophie B Hawkins's Lose Your Way. A song that reminds me of Dan and I when we first started going which was incidentally 6 years ago to the day! It feels like much longer than that strangely enough. 6 years ago today was Easter Sunday. I have yet to encounter a 4th of April that was actually a Sunday and for that matter, Easter Sunday. I think when the cosmic alignment works in our favour and actually gives us a 4th of April which IS Easter Sunday, that is when we should throw a big party. According to this, the next one is 2010. Perhaps then? Hopefully in a totally different country.

For now, it's dinner at Hard Rock tonight. So that I can drink copious amounts of iced tea and remember what it was like in North America to be served a free flow of iced tea. Nothing fancy because we do have a wedding anniversary as well. But then again, any reason to celebrate is reason enough. :)

Ondine tossed this thought in at 17:31

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"