Friday, March 18, 2005

Too Fast Too Furious

The week's almost over and I have done nothing!

I haven't finished my marking. I haven't gone shopping. I haven't gone to tea with anyone.

I have on the other hand, gotten a strange set of tan lines from standing under the blazing morning sun training the track girls. I have acquired a strange headache behind my left eye that came to me at the strangest of moments and went from zero to mindblowing pain in 10 seconds.

So, I have to cram all I need to do into today, with the blinding headache along for the ride. Dan and I have a lunch date. I want to find some time to actually do some shopping and somewhere in there, I have to mark and fix my phone that has lost all ability to detect a SIM card. I think it didn't like have to sit in the blazing sun too much. But neither did I and I'm not throwing a hissy fit at myself. I'm hoping that the threat of actually sending it in would make it behave itself. But then again, I'm giving it too much credit.

Where has all the time gone! Bugger bugger bugger.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 10:33

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"