Sunday, February 27, 2005

Getting it Right

So, this afternoon, dark clouds blew in, the winds were swirling the blinds, the door slammed- not on its own accord, the fan blades spun. There was rumbling, there was thunder, there were even some drops of rain.

If only "they" could get the storm bit in thunderstorm down pat.

That would have been good.

It was nice to hope though.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 22:18

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 10:35 am Blogger wahj said...

The first day back I reveled in the humidity and the heat. Now it's just sticky and sapping. I blame global warming, climate change, and the failure of Kyoto, really. = )


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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"