Sunday, March 06, 2005


Unfortunately, it was not from being inebriated. But from being at my nephew's birthday party at the park. 20 screaming 5 -7 year old kids totally high on sugar and food with trans fat running around the park and one 3 year old who was feeling so left out, totally unused to not being the centre of attraction screaming her lungs out and turning on the water works at a whimper's notice is enough to exhaust any grown person. Me included.

So today, we had grand plans to mark at Brewerkz after church that was after tuition. We made it two thirds into the plan before we gave in to the tremendous exhaustion coupled with the Sunday afternoon laziness. We need to try to get to church more often. Putting aside the guilt that has long been imbued in my by my mother, we need to beat coincidence. Our attendance at church seems to have somehow or other caught on with the roster of pastors at church. So, everytime we manage to get to church, it is always the same pastor. And that would be fine if he wasn't so hell, fire and brimstone. But he is and after 3 or 4 times, I'm beginning to think it isn't a coincidence anymore. And today, it was a double whammy. Usually, we try to make a beeline for the sanctuary where a more staid, sombre service is in session, but today, they were having Holy Communion there so that would mean that it would take as long as the furious message that we were bound to receive. So we stayed and just held our breath and crossed our fingers. Wish us luck next week.

Well, I'm off now. I don't need to wake up at 6 tomorrow because I'm on course. I can actually wake up an hour later, have breakfast, read the paper and get dressed when the sun is up and leave for work like every other normal non-teacher human being. After that, I'm making a beeline to see if I can buy funky spotted shoes like YM's. :)

Ondine tossed this thought in at 22:58

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"