Sunday, February 13, 2005

The mice have come out to play

W and I found out that our respective spouses were at the Teo's till wee hours of this morning playing mahjong. This is after Dan tells me he's really tired. So, we're both feeling a tad left out of things especially when the sun rises and sets on us nagging at kids, feeding kids, holding their hands when they're anxious, forcing them to take lozenges when they cough and going around with dripping wet towels to alleviate the extremely dry air that is taking a toll on their very fragile constitutions at this point in time.

I've even had to "book" time on my own lap top because they've basically taken possession of it. I don't mind, because they're working and they're good kids, but apart from one another, we haven't really had much adult interaction. Conversation topics with the kids revolve around
1. Food- Krispy Kreme, Geese thighs, Meat, Jerky, more meat, lamenting lack of meat for our Muslim coach. Canadians have no concept of Halal or Muslim (A school principal asked him WHY he was Muslim?- In dire need of some racial/religious harmony education that we do so well at home)
2. Good looking guys and girls from other teams
3. Swarthy, dangerious men from other teams
4. Bruce Lee films (W and the guys)
and obviously
5. Debate stuff

For me, there has been no one to of shopping, exercise or in general bitch to about the numerous things that go through my head that require "bitch air time".

For Wahj, there's no one to talk to about games, war gaming, tarot cards, photographs...

So sufficed to say, both of us are looking forward to leaving here although we're still trying to prepare ourselves for the awful awful flight back to home. After that, I'm going to go on holiday.

Many out there have told me how fortunate it is to go away on government payroll. Seriously, if they wanted to, they can have this. Babysitting 24/7 is not a holiday. If not for the fact that we need to debate now, we would have lost all sense of time. Everyday, we ask one another what day it is, because weekends don't matter, neither does day and night. The division is more of sleep and work and work is very easily three quarters of the day. If only we could claim off in lieu.

But for now, the kids are flocking back in so I'm having to give up my place at the computer.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 09:45

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"