Friday, February 11, 2005

Pounding the Roads

An excerpt from my friend's email. It's not just me that has strange dreams.

I dreamt you were PREGNANT and both of us were starting to get ready to start the BOSTON MARATHON. But then it started to rain heavily so the marathon was cancelled
and you went into labour. You still looked the same (all skinny) but
you had a HUGE tummy (really huge)...

Cool... I wouldn't mind being pregnant, skinny and still able to run a marathon.

On a less surreal note, we spent 5 hours at Banff National Park today. Our live 1 degree north of the equator, never seen snow kids had such a field day with snow all around and having huge major snowball fights. Fun to watch, especially when the guys fireman lifted the girls and dumped them face first into the snow. Only problem, despite Thinsulate and water proof boots, socks and tights are all wet and cold. Quite gross and miserable, our 2 hour ride back to the hotel was.

Ok, have to rush off for a coaches' meeting now. It was 2 degrees today though and was quite nice when the sun came out. Also, discovered mulled cranberry drink. Yummy.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 12:38

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 5:13 pm Blogger Tym said...

Mulled anything is usually tasty. I'm partial towards homemade mulled cider myself.


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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"