Monday, November 15, 2004

Baby Doll

I decided sometime back that my fashion sense was a little bit too straight laced. I liked tank tops, t-shirts and solid colours. So, when we went to Vancouver and the US over the summer, I decided to mix it up a little and I bought some baby doll tops with prints on them. Very un-me, but I thought they were nice. Plus, they were kinda loose too, so it was the perfect solution to the feel-fat days of which I had many of, seeing that it was my pet neurosis.

Anyway, today, being hot, I decide to wear one of these tops out. I've been hesitating because I have feared it would make me look like I was pregnant and my neurosis wasn't going to be able to handle that. So, I hesitate, I ask Dan and he assures me that I look cute and that there is no way anyone would mistake me for having a ball under my top since I obviously had a flat tummy.

Unfortunately, not everyone thought the same way as Dan. We had our weekly family dinner over at my brother's. The moment I stepped in, my dad and aunt pounced on me. My dad tried to be a little bit subtle so he asked why I was wearing such a baggy top, which was almost immediately followed with the million dollar question of "Are you pregnant?" illiciting an expectant, eager look on my aunt's face on the other side of me. My mom laughed and my sister in law made a quip about how my butt wasn't large enough for me to be pregnant- the correlation between the two facts befuddle me- following which she laughs so hard, water comes out of her nose.

I've decided that these comfy tops are going into storage for now. I'm going back to my structured, straight laced tops for now. Too much to handle at this time. I'm still coming to terms with all the weight I've gained from running regularly. Muscle weighs more than fat so by running a lot, I'm actually putting on weight. I can only handle one type of weight gain at a time.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 22:37

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