Monday, November 08, 2004

Morbid fascination

There's this colony of ants that hangs out in my kitchen. I'm not as freaked out about them as I am the lizard family that lives there too. But then again, the ants are all pervasive and annoy me more than the lizards because they're all over the place. The lizards, well, more or less stay clear of me and when met with a face to face confrontation, are oft deafened by a blood curdling scream that can be heard two blocks away.

So anyway, the ants have been annoying me- they get into everything, the empty cereal bowl in the sink that I'd forgotten to wash, or a careless drop of something on the counter. Today, I decided to act on it and bought ONCE and ALL EFFECTIVE ants and cockroaches KILLER- it's some kind of bait that lulls the ants into thinking "mmmmm, yummmm, food..." and bring it all back to their nest thereupon, poisoning the entire colony, which sounds rather like biological warfare on ants if you ask me.

What took the mickey out of the cruel ONCE and ALL EFFECTIVE ants and cockroaches KILLER was the little explanation on the back of the box.

Top Gun(Once And ALl) Ants and Cockroaches Killer is specially formulated to extinct the entire colony.
The granular bait will attract the pests to carry back to the nests, thus, the whole colony be affect and wipe out.

Somehow, such instructions coupled by the large CAUTION word on the front of the box followed by the fine print that announced- Unlikely to present acute harzard in normal use, just made it sound like a science experiment more than anything else.

And to me, it was. I spent a good five minutes staring at the ants that materialised out of no where, hovering near the little pellet of "magic goodies", suspicious of it. They kept scuttering back and forth the box, as if daring one another to go closer and closer and closer....I switched off the kitchen light when I had a visual confirmation that two of the ants had firmly latched themselves onto the little granules. Tomorrow I shall check the pellet again. It's a little like leaving cookies and a glass of milk out for Santa.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 22:41

3 thoughts...

3 thoughts...

At 12:30 pm Blogger Terz said...


Your family of lizards not working for their rent-free space. Evict them! That'll teach them not to get rid of the ants for you.

Maybe we can convince one or two of our lizards to emigrate. Foreign talent.

At 5:07 pm Blogger Tym said...

I thought I was the only one using "Cheh"...

You can't have any of our lizards. I like them. I'd gladly take yours as well. Maybe they'll gang up on our roaches and wipe 'em out.

At 9:00 am Blogger King said...

i thought lizards only ate flying insects, not roaches and ants???? or am i missing something here?


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