Saturday, October 02, 2004

At First Sight Unwarranted

When some people talk about injustice, they talk about the North South Divide. They talk about the Caste System, They talk about how some kids are starving in the African continent and our kids are obese. Or they talk of how bastards in any and every sense of the word get away with things and the most innocent, virtuous person is the one that gets stricken by cancer.

I am sure I have faced much injustice in my life. After all, I was a teenager once.

But yesterday, I learnt what true injustice was and this morning, I woke up with a bitter taste in my mouth when it was the first thought that entered my mind. True injustice is when an institution that prides itself in being one that is God-fearing goes out there and persecutes an innocent being. When that institution does not come clean on its policy and executes it with great partiality. Injustice is when the institution is so powerful that it is above the law and anything done against it would be like David throwing flowers at Goliath.

And that injustice entered my home yesterday and affected me. I know I shouldn't be vengeful and vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord but truly, may the true wrath of God descend on all those who have perpetuated this injustice.

When I first learnt about this institution, I had my reservations. It had a good reputation when I was an teenager. I knew people from there, I was constantly impressed by them much to the dismay of my brothers. As an adult, I heard a different side of this same place and thought to be wary. But there are some things that take precedence over rational judgement. Loyalty, love and faith cause these suspicions to become at first sight unwarranted. And even when they become clearer, the benefit of the doubt, the undying love for the icon of the past shrouds it all. So you push these thoughts to the back of your head and you go on trying to make a difference. And then when all that effort is rewarded by being shown out the great gates for no real reason, you reel from the shock and wonder how you could have not seen this coming.

No one did and everyone now is in shock. But what good is it when there really is nothing you can do about it except to put all your belongings into a box and turn your back to those you really care about, those you made promises to and those who matter most, the innocents in this whole powerplay no matter how much it breaks your heart?

This is when you suddenly realise how small you are in a system, that you're an ant. An ant that can and will get trampled on just because the ant believed that the toil and trouble was worthwhile. Well, apparently, it never is and it isn't the toil and trouble that counts. In reality, it isn't the toil and trouble that counts, it's the offering of great gifts and the appeasing of the big haired, fat assed giants that do the trampling.

And that, is the greatest injustice of all.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 07:58

3 thoughts...

3 thoughts...

At 11:32 am Blogger SM said...

I don't know what to say, I'm very sorry to hear about the disillusionments, the powerplay, and the ants.


At 11:03 pm Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

The sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you start to deal with it.

At 10:15 am Blogger Ondine said...

Well, it's not me that has to deal with it, but it's good advice. Thanks. :)


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