This kind of unpoluted green food tastes a litter bitter and then a bit
sweet. It lasts well. It can help to reduce blood pressure and blood grease, and
can get one calmed and refreshed. It is a kind of pure natural ecologic
1. Spot the language errors in the paragraph below and underline them.
2. Identify the type of error, using the following key: (sample: S -
spelling, T - tense, C - concord).
3. Write the correct form of the word or phrase above each error.
4. Follow up questions:
a. What do you think the writer is trying to say?
b. How successful is he in communicating his ideas?
c. What would you change to make the paragraph clearer?
d. Is there a difference between how a Singaporean
understands English and how someone from another country understands English?
What is the difference? You may use any country for comparison.
Ondine tossed this thought in at 23:25