Thursday, April 29, 2004

Shared Values

We are:
Guided by Integrity
Focused on People
Empowered by Passion, Purpose & Drive


I just could not resist this.

All 120 of us had to sit together in a sub Artic temperature room for 3 hours to come up with that. That's our creed. That's what we stand for and believe in.

Guided by Integrity
Focused on People
Empowered by Passion, Purpose & Drive.. Right. I sure am... Empowered by a passionate disdain for being stuck here, for the purpose of serving out my bond and to please my parents (yup.. focused on people here) and Driven to great depths of insanity by the inanity of it all.


While marking some of my kids' work, I found this...

We're talking about globalisation and a homogenous society. They're using the English Premier League as an example. So they say this...

There is definitely common ground to be covered by both parties. Soccer represents the same passion, purpose and drive in its native Briatin as it does in Singapore

It shows a few things.

1. Indoctrination of those shared values work
2. My students have limited vocabulary.


Ondine tossed this thought in at 10:28

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