Friday, August 11, 2006
Future Generations
Packrat and I had yesterday off, much to the
chagrin of Olie who basically
tore some guys a new one (You go Girl!!) for forgetting that she didn't. I attempted to stay home and get some work done while Packrat went out to play with his friends at the World Cybergame thingyinmmagig.
Sweet boy that he is, brought me back a gift. Well, it was a goodie bag and in it was a T-shirt. At first, I thought
"cool" . It was a nice green t-shirt with a white trim. And a funky cartoon boy on it.
But as always, looks deceive. Upon closer inspection, I decided that I was not going to wear the T-shirt out. Ever. And it goes beyond I can't do it because it's against my religion or I can't do it cos I don't wear green. I can't do it because it says this.

And there's no way I would ever be a future gamer. Fat hope, y'all. It takes more than a t-shirt to convert me. In fact, I'm not sure how I could ever be converted, even if the
gaming Mossad comes in and tries to break me by brainwashing me, strap me down into a seat and tape my hand over a
Razor mouse.
Perhaps, the only way, I would ever deign to wear it would be if I were expecting and knew for sure that it was going to be a Mini-Packrat in his entirety. Only then and only then,
might I actually consider wearing it.
Technorati Tags: World Cybergames, Game widowsOndine tossed this thought in at 22:08
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