Monday, April 03, 2006

It was not to be

The weekend was a rather eventful one. Saturday was filled with obligations and things we had to do. It was one of those days when you left the house at like 10 in the morning and did not get home till 11 at night. Days when you're grateful, you have no pet to go home and feed- although my friend, L, has found an automatic pet feeder that releases food at a pre-specified time.

Yesterday, my work conscience kicked in. I had admin work to get through. Comments. Comments on how the students have been performing in the last quarter. And this had to be done online. Since Packrat was at tuition in the morning, I thought I'd sit at McDonald's with a Berrynice yogurt and a large iced tea and use their free wireless connection to get my work done. I had a clue that the day wasn't going to go as planned when I was informed that all McD's in Singapore have sold out of the yogurt. Then, as CB luck would have it, my wireless laptop refused to connect to the skynetglobal network which was McD's. Even after 10 minutes and 1 second with an IT whizz from college, no connection. So, no yogurt, no connection, wasted $1 of parking coupons and a waste of a morning. Disgruntled, I traipsed home to discover my laptop wouldn't pick up the signal at home either. At this point, it was "It's not you, it's the damn laptop".

Thankfully, the day picked up from that point. Instead of running, we decided exercise du jour would be cycling. And since Plentyfish (who does not blog anymore) and girlfriend were keen, we headed off to Pasir Ris park to cycle. The heavens decided to go ahead of us and clear the way of people with a large downpour. The treks were wet, but at least it was empty and extremely fun. It felt somewhat like secondary school days where class outings revolved around renting bikes and riding them at the beach.

The only problem, mud splatter on our bikes from the puddle.

The revelation, there is a reasoon why bike pants are padded round the butt seat area.

The difference between doing this as a secondary school child and an adult is where you head off to after for dinner. Instead of McD's (a restaurant whose quality is already been ascertained as doubtful), we go back to Plentyfish's for the remnants of the previous night's Peranakan spread that was in honour of his returning girlfriend. Buah Keluak, Salted Vegetable Duck soup (with bootleg duck from don't know where. Ask no questions), the works. As I told Plentyfish, I've eaten more white rice in the last 2 days than I have in the last month.

All in all, a good weekend. Makes today suck even more though.

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Ondine tossed this thought in at 08:30

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"