Thursday, March 16, 2006


On our way to the airport, Packrat and I were playing this game. We were each to name our best and worst moments. This is what happens when you trust the guy driving and you don't have to worry about what was on the meter.

Best Moment for Packrat
The Banyan Tree Spa

Best Moment for Me
Discovering little toys on the bed after housekeeping had unobtrusively come in to turn down the bed.

Best Buy for Packrat
Another Zippo lighter.

Best Buy for Me
A T-shirt with patchwork stitched all over for like SGD$5

Most Surreal Moment for Packrat
Standing up as a sign of respect to the King of Thailand before the start of a movie and in a very close second place, watching Fearless in Thai.

Most Surreal Moment for Me
Being shown a menu for Ping Pong Girls and other interesting and acrobatically trained girls.

Epiphany for Packrat
The Bangkok sky train system isn't crappy and anything like the Monorail system in KL.

Epiphany for Me
Paying 20 Baht to feed an elephant after realising that elephants cost a whole lot to upkeep and by doing that, you prevent the animal from starving. 20 Baht is less than SGD $0.50.

Why Packrat would stay in Bangkok
Because he could get this at the market anytime he wanted to. By the hunks!

Meat Paradise

Why I would stay in Bangkok
Because I could have a driver at my disposal to take me to the market to buy cheap but wonderful spoils like flower lamps!

Fairy lights

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Ondine tossed this thought in at 00:34

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