Friday, April 08, 2005


At assembly, many people complimented that I had really pretty shoes. Thank you, I liked them too. They were pretty and funky and totally unconventional for school use. I liked them. Unfortunately, the gods of CB* luck decided that it was just too good an opportunity to miss. So while pacing the aisles as my kids struggled to put coherent arguments on paper, the shoe decided to unglue itself. Broken shoes Looking somewhat like this. The tragedy of tragedies. Not only did it choose the most inopportune time to give way, there was no fixing it. My sweet kids offered a stapler, scotchtape and even glue! Nothing would coax the strap to cooperate just long enough for me to return to my desk. And as CB luck would have it, I was in the classroom furthest away from the office. I counted, it takes me more than 300 steps one way to get from desk to classroom. So, with no other choice and taking the risk of looking extrememly unglam and daft, I took the shoe off and hobbled the 300 steps back to my desk.

It was a good thing that I keep a pair of slippers under my desk on days where my feet hurt and I had no desire of clunking around in my 3 inch Nine West shoes unnecessarily. The not so good thing was, they looked like that.
And I had to spend the rest of the day in and out of class,around school looking like cows died to be on my feet. There is really no dignity in being in public with cows on your feet. None what so ever. Thank goodness it's Friday. We can all afford to look a bit daft on Fridays.

*CB luck- Whatever sense of propriety I have left and me, never quite going through National Service has prevented me from spelling out the acronymn in full, much less lend voice to it. Sufficed to say, it means extremely bad luck that follows you around doggedly and jinxes everything good in your life. We all have CB luck, but in varying degrees.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 16:27

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