Thursday, December 02, 2004
Some Brains
Taufik won.
I am no idol fan, but since Dan actually got flamed on
his blog for actually comparing Singapore Idol to the democratic process in general by a girl who really needs helping with reading comprehension.
Plus, we thought that our nation of SMS-sers would be voting for the androgynous one with rebonded hair so when a pool for it opened at dinner, we decided to put $2 on the flat haired one even though from what we'd seen, we prefered the other dude.
So much for trying to make the system work for us.
Never underestimate democracy...
The fact that the gods were tired of cringing since August.
Whatever it is, I'm glad Ruby Red lips has more time to work on his diction.
Ondine tossed this thought in at 01:28
0 thoughts...
0 thoughts...
" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"