Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Say something cute..."Puppies!"

Ok, I'm watching too much Gilmore Girls but I don't care.

I spent the whole of last week having dreams of macabre. It was probably a reflection of my mood and state of mind then. And although that hasn't quite changed, for a change last night, I dreamt of puppies!

I dreamt we had two golden retriever puppies and we had taken them to the park so they were tired out and had flopped asleep in the backseat with me. Why I was sitting in the backseat, I don't really know. Anyway, I realised after looking very affectionately at the extremely cute sleeping puppies that they had scratched up the back seat and I wasn't even made.

Woke up thinking I was part of the Kleenex ad with the puppies in them. Warm and fuzzy.

Then I heard on the radio that some guy in Virginia drowned a golden retriever. Why, if I ever got my hands on him.... What a bummer to be back in reality.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:24

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"