Sunday, October 10, 2004

Insanity Inc

You know when you've marked too much when you're sleepy at 7 in the evening and your head feels like it's full of cotton wool.

That's how it felt like yesterday after getting through a record number of 30 essays in a day. Pressure does wonders for self-discipline. Anyway, yesterday was a day spent in cafes. First, it was at Breko's. An ozzie style cafe near our place that we like for obvious reasons. Only problem is it allows smoking so for the still slightly asthmatic husband and my over sensitive throat, that got cut short relatively quickly. Then, my brother suggested watching Sky Captain, something I wasn't going to watch and got hopelessly jeered and mocked for resisting.

Anyway, while the men went off to do their macho shit 'thang, I sat at Starbucks and marked some more, becoming increasingly tired and aware that my bladder was rapidly filling up with all the iced tea I had to order through the day to warrant me a spot in the cafe.

So, that's how I got 30 scripts marked only to come home brain dead.

So brain dead that both Dan and I laid in bed, unable to sleep and ended up watching some Tamil Docu-Drama on drug addiction in Singapore with seriously bad subtitling. And worse was the presentation of the subtitles, white subtitles with a guy in a white shirt on screen makes it hard for non-Tamil understanders to actually watch the program- talk about being racially sensitive. Humph.

Oddly enough, the docu-drama, despite its bad editing, fake fight scenes with loud kicking and punching sound effects was strangely compelling. We watched enough to know the Indian girl, despite her alcoholic mother's demands, marries a heroin addict, becomes addicted and ends up begging money to buy more hits. No surprise, she gets arrested and put into rehabilitation after which she tries to stay away from her good for nothing but heroin husband. Unfortunately, he is convincing and dogged in his attempts to beg for her forgiveness promising that he's managed to shirk the habit. So, of course, like all good dramas, she gives him a second chance and goes back to him only to return one day to him, doing a hit and cheerfully asks her how she is doing even though she looks like she just got slapped. And she leaves him for good after that.

That's where we stopped watching, I mean, it couldn't get much better than that by then. :) Strange thing we realised, the Tamil language didn't seem to have a word for "please" or "drugs" for that matter. My culturally, racially and linguistically insensitive husband thought "ganja" was drugs in Tamil.

So, marking does do strange things to you. It also gives you strange dreams. I dreamt I was being beat up, much like those people in the drama, by some guy who didn't like the fact that I was poor. Weird. And the weirdest thing about all that is while I was being beat up, I was concerned that the bananas that were in my back pocket wouldn't get squashed. Talk about priorities.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:22

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