Thursday, April 08, 2004

Heat and Reprieve

Lipton Iced Peach Tea in a packet does wonders when it's blazing hot outside and you have to speak for five periods.

What else works really well? Not teaching, but then again, that's not an option.

My lava lamp has nice blobs right now and it's a nice shade of soothing blue. They look like jellyfish rising to the surface---mmm...jellyfish....Japanese food... Ikoi at ritz carlton...huge long bath...bubble bath..satsuma bubbles...Body shop...England...the Queen...Bearskin hats...the races..turf city...not the place to go for steam boat...Corpthorne Orchid... A&W's...Frothy Root beer from the tap...mmm

Ondine tossed this thought in at 15:18

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"