Saturday, September 02, 2006
Mail Call
Some months ago, we rang
HDB to tell them that the apartment above ours had some leaky problem that was causing water to drip and de-colourise my pretty blue bathroom tiles.
The men came, they took photographs with their digital photos, gave instructions to the neighbours upstairs not to use the bathroom so that they could figure where the leak was and then went away to figure out how much it would cost the common person. That would be me.
Then, today we get a letter in the mail.
This was the letter head.

At first, I was wondering if they had really bugged our house and heard Packrat and I talk about
seditious issues and were sending us a warning letter before dragging us away in the middle of the night. Of course, the part of me that grew up on a diet of action flicks knew quite well that our government wasn't about to warn us if they were going to abduct us, put us on show trial before exiling us to live on Sentosa together with the red-eyed Merlion statue.
Anyhow, it wasn't a warning letter. It was however, a letter that was signed off like this.

Apparently, being our MP, he had appealed to the HDB to assist us in repairing the ceiling leak and to make sure that we didn't have to bear the burden of the cost. Of course not! Since it wasn't our water pipes that were leaking water onto the bathroom tiles.
So that's what MPs do for their constituents.
On top of that, it gave me worthy blog fodder and that's always something to be thankful for!
How very nice of him.
Technorati Tags: Singapore, MP, HDBOndine tossed this thought in at 00:08
8 thoughts...
8 thoughts...
At 10:55 am
Tym said...
Funny, HDB wasn't half as helpful when it came to our bathroom ceiling --- and it's the same situation of it being the upstairs neighbour's plumbing, not ours, that are clearly at fault (as a third-party plumber verified for us).
Clearly, my Member of Parliament is not as conscientious as yours.
At 6:23 pm
at82 said...
Maybe it bcos ur MP is not a minister...
At 10:19 pm
Johnny Malkavian said...
or maybe MP not PAP...
At 11:49 pm
Minaki Yun said...
yah loh, last time my neighbour downstairs also pipe leak. We even have to pay half of the cost to fix it for them.
At 12:09 pm
DK said...
Just wondering....
End of the day, who paid for the repair?
Town council?
or your neighbour living upstairs?
At 7:40 am
Ondine said...
Drip drip drip... that's what we get for everyday that HDB languishes.
This Side of Paradise, No one in my family went to see anyone about anything. It's just Packrat and me and truth be told, we had no clue that our MP was "powderful" enough to do anything. :)
DK, the cost is now split 3 ways. We pay 20%, Upstairs pays 20% and HDB pays the other 60%. After all, it is their lousy contractors that caused this to happen. :)
At 1:53 pm
DK said...
I'm also having similar issue. The problem is, we are suppose to go 50-50 with my neighbour living downstairs.
Just wondering, how old is your flat. Maybe I can write to my MP regarding my issue and see if he can do similar thing. :D
At 11:22 am
absolutjoiz said...
unfortunately, mine wasn't so lucky. we had to go and find our MP several times, went thru a lot of hassle and received mainly open-ended answers from them that came to nowhere, before upstairs neighbours finally became more considerate to do something and the matter just went to rest like that. finally it's just that we were tired of everything that we just went ahead to repair the ceiling without claiming anyone. we just wanted the whole thing to finish.
" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"