Monday, July 10, 2006

The Morning After

I am one of the lucky people whose organisations have allowed us to come into work in the later part of the morning seeing that most people were up in the earlier part of the morning riveted to the iridescent glow of the television screen that was the World Cup Final match where it was the French against the Italians.

I told Packrat I was gunning for the Italians to win based on nothing more than the sheer fact that I hated French food and I loved Italian food. As you can tell, I am not the biggest soccer fan in the world. Anyway, my food instinct was right since the Italians won.

I did not intend to watch the match because Packrat, rather unfortunately, did have to go into school this morning. But I woke up at 2 and figured I'd switch on the television and see what the fuss was about. For the first sleepy ten minutes, I thought the guys in white were the Italians and the guys in blue were the French. Hey, it was a logical conclusion since the French flag had blue in it while the Italian flag didn't. It was, I repeat again, 2 in the morning and I am not the hugest soccer fan in the world.

Anyway, I watched, I saw some goals, I dozed, I woke up, watch some more until about 4 am when the little blue men were jumping up and down on the field and the month long love affair many had with the television screens came to an end rather abruptly.

Through all this, Packrat slept like a baby. He didn't even respond very much when I prodded him to tell him that Italy won and he owed me a pizza. But I didn't fault him for his lack of reaction because I was half way there myself.

I wondered how many people would actually show up at work, at those offices and institutions that were not farsighted enough to start business hours later today. The answer became apparent when I dropped Packrat off at school. Walking to our carpark, I wondered if I was actually still sleeping because I was looking at what seemed to me to be a 5 man line, all dressed in the same attire.

2 seconds of computing later got me to the "Oh! They must have stayed over and watched the match and are going to school now!" And when they turned around, indeed, 5 dishevelled 17-18 year old boys who looked like getting their uniform on this morning was quite an impossible task stared blurry eyed at me. And they were all from Packrat's school. Poor poor souls!

The roads however, seemed errily quiet. It was like a Sunday morning when everyone wasn't rushing off to work. No traffic, no one around- the round trip from our home to Packrat's school and back took a quarter of what it usually does. Plus this morning is all dark, wintery and dreary.

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Ondine tossed this thought in at 09:15

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