Monday, October 03, 2005

Bad Engrish

In the spirit of a mistake I made in the previous post (see Tym's comment) and inspired by the ludicrous mistakes made by my students, I have decided to put myself in my student's shoes.

It seemed that the teachers was very busy this morning discussing about the bad examination results. They seemed to have so much stuffs in their mind and I think our behaviours had made them anger with us. I guess I shouldn't be watching so much of the television and my friends, the atheletes should be more time studying the spirting up and down the track.

But I really don't know how to study my GP. I am having a dead end and everyone's mindset is dismoralised already. Maybe, today I going home to read the newpaper and learn some facts. I know that Singapore is a small dot in the globe but is giving aids to many countries and Indonesia is being hazy all the time. Africa is very poor but the people are very happy. And this is better than in Turkey because there got on Turkey driving his van into the Jewish Muslim synagogue. I have also learn that blogging is very seductive and you can be prisoned. I agree to the idea of prisoning the seductive blogger because otherwise Singapore will become violated country.

As a results, I am hence prepared to study very hard to learn more useful informations to use in my GP composition and hopefully my teacher will not critise the composition for being knowing nothing.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:57

10 thoughts...

10 thoughts...

At 6:53 pm Blogger tscd said...

Ouch. Are your students really that bad? How do you correct their grammar without making them rewrite the entire essay?

At 8:19 pm Blogger En and Hou said...

At least there's no 1337 or StIcKy CaPs when you wrote in the students' perspective. ;)

About "Africa is very poor but the people are very happy", indeed money does not buy happiness.


At 9:14 pm Blogger Ondine said...

Hou, yes, indeed- the Nigerians are the happiest people on earth. And the students all know that because they were made to cut it out and stick it in their notebooks. Yes yes, very primary school.

Tscd, not all their grammar is bad. I wrote this piece as a conglomeration of all the mistakes I heard this morning round the school.


At 11:50 pm Blogger Tym said...

Aieeeeee! The memories! Of marking! The horror, the horror...

Aside: How can you imitate them so well? It made me cringe and laugh, all at the same time --- which is kinda my disposition when I'm grading work, I guess ;)

At 5:00 am Blogger Paperman said...

The horrors of facing your students' scripts... How many years of grading experience does it take before you stop cringing?

At 8:19 am Blogger Ondine said...

Tym, the reason why you can't imitate them as well is because you have ARE the Two-in-one superheroine Teen Girl and Grammar Queen and your power binds you to only good Engrish, quite unlike us mere mortals. =)

Vandice, you never stop cringing. Never. If you do, you've lost your soul. =)And you've become one of them.

At 1:35 pm Blogger Aaron Teller said...

yo dude.... you.have.been.tomorrowed.

At 3:37 pm Blogger visceral said...

we are still a nation of philistines

At 5:44 pm Blogger JellyGirl said...

heheheeh that was funny, had me chuckling away.

At 12:22 pm Blogger eachmachine said...


Your "undercover blogging" makes me think of this.


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