Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Last week, I wailed about how I left my lunch on the dining table at home. I brought it in the next day and had it since my mother-in-law was nice enough to pop over and pop it into the fridge before it went off.

Today, I did remember to bring my lunch into school. I just had it. And I did forget something else. Today's lunch was a healthy mix of brown rice, chicken breast, broccoli, a boiled egg and some other veg. Yes, it sounds disgustinly healthy. Made worse by me though.

On first bite, I was trying to figure out why the taste was slightly strange. It wasn't bad. It was just different. Then it hit me. I forgot the all important need for taste! No salt. At all!

So, I had a totally salt free lunch. On the bright side, I won't feel bloated or retain water later. On the not so bright side, I might get cramps from not having enough salt in my body. So, I had better balance that out and go eat something totally unhealthy and full of taste right now.

After all, one must take care of one's body. =)

Ondine tossed this thought in at 10:56

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