Saturday, March 14, 2009
In a moment of weakness, while buying a present for my nephew, I decided to give in to a momentary whim and succumb to
my current Gossip Girl craze and buy a Swiss knife. A Swiss knife in itself is not very Gossip Girl. The girls on the Upper East Side have dry wit, bitchy stares and a limitless bank account to protect themselves. A $26 Swiss knife isn't going to fend off anything they haven't already figured out how to.
But it was pretty, it was pink and what totally blew me away and made me NEED to get it was the little inscription. XOXO.
Not the greatest of pictures because unlike the camera phones that take surreptitious photos on Gossip Girl, mine is the suck. But well, like I said, I don't live on the Upper East Side.
Technorati Tags: Gossip Girl, Swiss Army Knife Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:15
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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"