Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Because I am a teacher.
Because I teach a language.
Because my mind does not work in scientific ways.
Because I am too exhausted to actually blog.
Because I dreamed of doing this as a student and as a teacher,
I came close and it thrilled me to bits.
Because this made me laugh so hard my belly hurt.

Technorati Tags: Singapore, teaching, bloopersOndine tossed this thought in at 17:35
2 thoughts...
2 thoughts...
At 11:41 pm
potpourri said...
I wonder if we'll see Singaporean students doing it.
I doubt so. Unless they're suicidal.
At 1:10 am
theonlinecitizen said...
Hi Ondine,
That's really cute. Made me laugh so hard. :)
I hope you won't mind that I've re-posted the pictures on my blog theonlinecitizen
Thanks for sharing...:)
" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"