Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Resume Regular Programming

We're back. From Sydney.

But we're still not back in Singapore. We're in Melbourne now. And will be till Christmas Eve when we board the plane with 6ft tall amazonian stewardesses that speak only German and play Sudoku in the galley when passengers are dying of thirst and looking for water.

Sydney was boiling. And it wasn't just the weather. What started out as an attack on lifeguards last Sunday has become the worst race riots Australia has ever seen. This morning, we were unceremoniously thrown out of our hotel room at 8 in the morning. The entire hotel shut down for an emergency evacuation drill. So we were left wandering the streets of Sydney. 2 suggestions came in. Both required us to slap on some sun block and head out to the beach. Unfortunatetly, the beach was the last place any of us wanted to be at today.

People aren't surfing. They're throwing stuff at people. And it's not just sand. It's filled beer bottles, bottle shards, cricket bats, rocks and everything they can get their hands on. Add to that, they're jumping on cars and breaking windows and attacking people who are going to Christmas concerts. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite end there. They send out text messages declaring war with a specific time and date. They declare all this is done to in the name of being Australian.

Now that's what I call sedition. And people here are responding, so no. I'm happy I'm back in Melbourne and no where near the beaches in Sydney.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 21:27

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 1:31 pm Blogger Ondine said...

..has become the worst race riots Australia has ever seen...

Not my words. But that's how the media is shaping it in NSW.

In Melbourne, there's hardly anything on the front page. They're all more obsessed about the Falconio murder.


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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"