Monday, May 09, 2005

Budding Angel

I ran two consecutive days. And this morning, my back and shoulders feels strangely fatigued. Dan thought it was because I didn't warm down enough after the run. I don't think so because you don't really run with your arms, shoulders and back. While I was trying to explain the ache to Dan and to pin point the location, I could think of no other way of doing it but to say that it felt like wings were trying to sprout from my back. And not in a good way. Or maybe that's why angels are supposed to be subdued and demure- the pain from the growing of the wings just basically sucked all the spunky life out of them.

Whatever it is, it is not good for work. Sitting still makes it ache more and I'm tempted to go home and lie down. But the mountains of scripts is intimidating to say the least. So I will endeavour to get through it.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 11:27

2 thoughts...

2 thoughts...

At 6:22 pm Blogger Wes & Jo said...

agree with dan, likely a warm up thing, you do swing your arms when you run. i get it when i don't warm up/down properly. then again, maybe i'm like that coz i'm getting old.

At 7:25 pm Blogger Ondine said...

Nah, I do warm up and down, more than Dan does. He always has to wait for me and then he gets sian. Think it was the running two days in a row and yesterday's sprinting up a grass slope and ten flights of stairs. :) So today I rest. Tomorrow, I try again.


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