Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Game

The name of the game is to wait. You are required to have boundless amounts of patience and patience here indeed is a virtue. Unfortunately, it's not just patience that you need. Sometimes, the first time you roll the dice, you get a pair of perfect sixes. Sometimes, you could spend the rest of your life rolling the dice, only to find out that the sixes have been dug out of the dice and you're never going to get the double sixes. But for most, you have to wait, to patiently roll the dice till you get the doubles. Unfortunately, most times that you're going to do this, you're not going to end up with the double sixes but with a whole big bag full of disappointment. So, not only do you need patience to wait, you need that bounce back mechanism to get back to the table again, to dare to roll the dice again, knowing full well, you could fail yet again and to know that you have to pick yourself up and do it again. Why subject yourself to that? Well, once you've chosen to play this game, there's no way out. You can't say you'll give up, because there's no way to give up. You just have to keep going, you just have to keep getting disappointed, with no control of it in your hands at all. You could suggest that you roll it without any sort of expectation at all. It's impossible. You know you're looking out for the double six, so while the dice are spinning, you'll keep on watching, keep on hoping and 80% of the time, you'll be disappointed, then you have to take a deep breath and start all over again. (the math here isn't supposed to add up)And so the story goes.

I'm really not good at playing this game.

I sometimes question the wisdom on embarking on this painful and sometimes cruel game. Note to those out there considering the game, self-absorbed bliss might be a much less painful game to play.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 08:31

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" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"