Tuesday, April 19, 2005

In Other News

Everyone's going to be blogging about the casino and how our consultative government is all a sham, I shall not. Channeling CJ from The West Wing in Take This Sabbath Day-
You know, I have no position on the casino. I try to get worked up about it, it seems like I should. But the truth is, I honestly don't care if we have one or not.

So there.

But I did have tea with an old old friend yesterday from secondary school days and it was brilliant. All it takes to reduce respectable working adults into giggling young school girls, get hold of their friends from days of giggling yore. Guaranteed giggly success.

It was good. We had tea, we reminisced about days when the highlight of our day was racing to the canteen to get ahead of the food line. But we also talked about grown up stuff. Relationships, work, children (having and not having them) but people at Toast were giving us quite an evil look because there were these loud, sudden bursts of laughter. The big haired tai tais were not happy. The couple beside us did not look happy either. But then again, I wasn't happy with them either.

Girl in school uniform, 15 years old the most, with a much older early 20 ish boyfriend who bought her the entire sandwich and iced tea (divine!) meal. Dude, don't you know she's not legal??? Seriously. We caught one couple like that across the road from college sometime back. And when we confronted her about her very 'hum-sarp'* poly-aged boyfriend who had spent our entire lunch stroking her cheek and thigh, she accused us of interfering in her life where it was none of our business. There were many hands itching for some action after that statement.

I have no issue with kids seeing kids. Heck, I was a teenager and thinking about some of the things that I got up to then, still makes me blush now. So, not total disapproval, just more discretion and more brains and a whole lot more respect please! I bet, she doesn't even know how to use the word please! Kids nowsadays!

Anyway, back to my friend. We've known each other for about 16 years and she's way ahead of me in the education ladder, not that I really care. But it was great, someone who knows me from Adam and having so much history with. It felt great to be in secondary school again after all this time even though, I can fully gurantee that I CANNOT fit into THAT school skirt!

Ondine tossed this thought in at 09:06

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