Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Week Away

This week is course week. That means a few things.

1. I don't have to go to school.
2. I get to climb out of bed when Dan leaves for school.
3. I leave the house at half 8 to get to the course by 9. Well, usually a few minutes after 9.
4. I get to have lunch at a mall instead of the hawker centre across the road from school.
5. We're holed up most of the day, doing excruciatingly painful things to the brain like thinking about critical thinking.

What I like about it.

1. I get to watch Friends first thing in the morning while I read the paper and have breakfast.
2. I get to bring back a huge iced tea back from lunch.
3. I get to walk around during lunch and look at things I might buy but very obediently do not.

What I dis-like about it.

1. Leaving at half 8 is wonderful if it were in another country, or at the end of the year. At this point, it is blisteringly hot and I'm drenched by the time I get to the train station and then again when I get to the centre where the course is.
2. People who like talking and don't allow you to get a word in edgewise the entire day.
3. The great scary lady who sits in the back sometimes. Then I can't entertain myself by sending SMSes to the various people that I keep in touch with through the day.
4. The exhaustion at the end of any of the given days.

As I was walking home yesterday, I was marvelling at the fact that I was almost home just 20 minutes after we disbanded. But it also occurred to me that a regular office job would require the same type of hours, likely more, everyday and for a moment, I was grateful for my job where once or twice a week, I finish at ridiculous hours, but most times, I get home at a civil hour that allows me to go for a run and perhaps get dinner from scratch instead of the MSG laden hawker food we resort to most of the time.

This week, there hasn't been running. Neither was there any last week, so I feel quite icky. I shall attempt to next week after the very sinful weekend that is coming up. We're driving up to KL for basically cheap food, probably not shopping but it's not being ruled out, especially in my current mood and more importantly, to regain some sanity in our lives that is Week 6 of Term 2.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 08:08

1 thoughts...

1 thoughts...

At 10:30 am Blogger Tym said...

When the great scary lady sat in on my course, I just went ahead and SMSed anyway. :)


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