Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Yummy mess

Once again, I'm home for lunch and decide that I shall just use whatever's in the fridge to make lunch. I discovered yesterday that Packrat had bought a pack of hash browns and had stowed it away in the freezer without my knowing. He, on the other hand, claims there was nothing about keeping it in the freezer especially since I saw him have some of them for dinner with pork chops the other night.

Anyway, hash browns are a childhood food for me. My mom used to leave them in the freezer so that her growing children could snack on stuff without bother her too much. I remember eating hash brown sandwiches as I was growing up. Nuke the hashbrown, stick it between two pieces of bread, drown it in chilli sauce and that was breakfast. No one cared about Atkins or about low carb diets then and I credit those sandwiches for my growth spurt. By age 12, I was already 1.6m thanks to eating 4 of those for breakfast in the mornings. :) My mother also made imaginative and extremely child friendly meals with the hash browns. It had to do with ham, cheese, egg and the hash brown.

So, for lunch today, I decided to replicate that. Egg with ham beaten into it atop the hash brown and cheese to melt over it. It didn't look all that pretty

Yummy mess

but it sure as heck was tasty. Of course, extremely unhealthy and high in salt. But what kiddy meal isn't? I'll just make sure I'll have rice and steamed food for dinner to compensate. :)

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Ondine tossed this thought in at 13:02

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