Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Great unveiling
There comes a time in a person's life where things change irrevocably and you're left wondering, what in the world was it like before this life altering event? It seems like everything
before said event feels like it was from a different era and they're now, just some snapshots that have become part of our long term memories.
When faced with such an event, there is usually no other reaction than a sharp intake of breath, a momentary "uh oh, what do I do now?" and a period of adjustment. There is also usually the telling or sharing the news with those around us. Sometimes, it's a means of coping, sometimes it's a means of sharing joy, sometimes, a reality check. Whatever it is, life-altering events aren't usually kept secret. If it's
that big a deal, sooner or later, it's bound to get out.
It's quite a surprise, even to me then, that I've managed to keep this under wraps for such a long time. It hasn't been killing me the way some other pieces of information might have. Most of the time, I've been learning how to deal with it, cope with the changes that have come along with it and be extremely overwhelmed at how my life will never be the same again. So, in short, I've been a little too preoccupied to be bursting at the seams to reveal this life altering piece of news.
Tym, on the hand, had nothing to deal with and wanted desperately to sing about it from roof tops. Instead, I put out a gag order and demanded that nothing be said about it. So, she had no choice but to
blog about it in the most
surreptitious of ways
eliciting a great amount of speculation as to what the great secret was. To her credit, despite this, she was a most excellent secret keeper. Some others weren't so good. Within minutes of knowing the news, many others that we didn't intend to let in on the news were
privy to it. I'm still
humphy over that one.
Anyway, both
Packrat and I feel that it's time to let her off the hook and come out and take responsibility for the secret.
And since it
is a rather large life-changing event, we've created
a new blog, just to contain the news. So, knock yourself out and give
Tym a break.
Technorati Tags: SecretsOndine tossed this thought in at 13:16
4 thoughts...
4 thoughts...
At 12:38 am
Little Miss Drinkalot said...
At 4:52 pm
儒 said...
Congrats! Such a shame we're not still in singapore...
At 8:42 am
Ondine said...
Thanks very much LMD and Ru!
Yes Ru, it is a shame that you're many continents away!
At 3:04 pm
cour marly said...
Hey congratulations!! Am obviously a bit behind on keeping up with blogs...
" Far in the stillness, a cat languishes loudly"