Monday, July 05, 2004

Geek Alert

So, I'm sitting at Starbucks, happy with my passion tea and marking my sixth script of the morning when these two kids sit a table away from me. I'm fine with that until they start talking. And they're talking loud. They're talking about how the ministry of education doesn't really care about the number of people doing special-government scholarship-demanding papers and their school isn't going to stick up for them when the ministry frowns on them doing 3 of these papers.

That's when my eyebrows go up. A regular science geek would require two of those papers to qualify for the government scholarships. An arts nerd only needs one. And these kids are talking about a math, a physics and a chem paper. Can anything spell geek any louder?

Anyway, that's still fine. But then, they up the volume and start discussing wave lengths and lumda equations, at the top of their voices, all this in airconditioned and enclosed starbucks.

This is 10 minutes into my sixth script and I haven't the slightest clue what I'd been reading. And I look at and stare at them and past their physics ten year series out the windows and realise it's dark outside and threatening to pour. That's my cue to leave since I had windows wide open at home and suddenly, the incessant but non-descript, non-geek like drilling doesn't sound so bad.

So here I am, going to attempt my 7th script of the morning.

Ondine tossed this thought in at 10:20

2 thoughts...

2 thoughts...

At 12:29 pm Blogger SM said...

(on 2nd thought, i'd rather sign in.)

hello. it's common to use grades and academics as a measure of street cred nowadays, logical conclusion therefore.....

i have some young jc friends, the jcs they're in now accept and even encourage 3 S as a matter of course. irritating, isn't it?

Have a happy week.

At 3:08 pm Blogger Ondine said...

I have no qualms with those who want to take 3 'S' papers if they really love it and do it in the spirit of learning. But if they do it because everyone else is doing it, their parents want them to do it or because they want it as a fall back, then it's really not a good reason and they shouldn't. :)

J, always knew you were a nerd :) From the moment you and Eun shrieked with utter pleasure at the complete Oxford dictionary in my lab. But I still love you anyway. Hee


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